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We've been there for you for 30 years!

Fan gas coolers.


Gas coolers are required to reduce gas temperature after compression (e.g. at gas compressor stations). Depending on specific requirements we manufacture gas coolers of different sizes with supporting construction and service platforms. We produce pipe gas coolers with air as a cooling factor. The air flow is facilitated with fans with electric engines.


Depending on specific requirements the designs are compliant with:

  • PN-EN 13445,

  • WUDT/UC/2003,

  • AD – Merkblatt,

  • ASME VIII Div.1.


Our designing process is supported with IT tools:

  • Visual Vessel Design VVD (wykonuje obliczenia zbiorników ciÅ›nieniowych wg PN EN 13445 i ASME),

  • Autodesk AutoCAD,

  • Autodesk Inventor.


In case an order includes only technical documentation, it may be consulted in the Notified Body.


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