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We've been there for you for 30 years!

Storage vessels.


We manufacture a wide range of storage vessels:

  • ground and underground,

  • single- and double-shell,

  • pressure or non-pressure,

  • isolated,

  • heated.


Depending on specific requirements our pressure vessels are manufactured in compliance with:

  • PN-EN 13445,

  • WUDT/UC/2003,

  • AD – Merkblatt,

  • ASME VIII Div.1.


Non-pressure vessels are manufactured for maximum working pressure of 0,5 bar(g).


Our designing process is supported with IT tools:

  • Visual Vessel Design VVD,

  • Autodesk AutoCAD,

  • Autodesk Inventor.


In case an order includes only technical documentation, it may be consulted in the Notified Body.


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