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We've been there for you for 30 years!

EU Project.


UNION Sp. z o.o. has been implementing a project "UdziaÅ‚ UNION Sp. z o.o. w misjach gospodarczych" (UNION Sp. z o.o.'s participation in trade missions)  as a part of Task 3 of a programme "Pomorski Broker Eksportowy. Kompleksowy system wspierania eksportu w województwie pomorskim" (Pomerania Export Broker. A Complex System of Export Support in Pomeranian Voivodeship).


The project includes participation in two fairs as a visitor (Electrify Europe 2018 and ONS 2018). Main goals of the project are:

- building a business rapport with partners from UNION's area of activity,

- presenting UNION's offer to potential partners from abroad,

- starting production for foreign partners directly,

- enhancing present scope of export.


Grant Agreement No.: UDG-PBE.01.2017/009

Project Value: 73 079,95 PLN

ERDF Co-financing: 36 051,22 PLN

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